Hi all, made a little progress with my son in White 2.
Last night at work I captured a couple more Pokemon for him (a Sunkern and a Pidove). Not that I have grand plans of using them mind you. Anyway, after I got home from work, my son got up and so we decided to go after the first gym leader.
The first gym in White 2 uses Normal type Pokemon. Normally, I don't worry about Normal types (they have no type advantages and several weaknesses), but this early in the game, the only Pokemon available with a type advantage was Riolu (Fighting). So it was going to come down to a certain degree of luck as our Pokemon would pretty much just wind up butting heads.
I got through the first 2 trainers without much incident, though, since I didn't look anything up ahead of time, they were a bit higher level than expected (10-11, our Pokemon were 8-10). So after taking one down I would run to the Pokemon Center to heal up. Then came the Gym Leader...
His Pokemon were level 11 and 13 (a Patrat and Lillipup), and what really made the fight a hassle was the ability Work Up, which buffed their Attack and Special Attack stats so that they could one-shot just about all of our Pokemon with Tackle. It really came down to the wire, as all of our Pokemon had been knocked out save for Snivy who, with only a couple of hit points left, Vine Whipped his way to victory.
I hate taking on gym challenges when I don't have a type advantage lol. Now I can move on at least. I really need a Fire-type though. And a better Water-type than Azurill. And better luck for the poor Mareep we have, who keeps getting knocked out on critical hits...
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