Shift changes are not easy. I think I mentioned previously about a temporary shift change. Normally I work 10 pm - 6 am, but as I needed training on a new process, I spent the last couple of weeks working 6 am - 2:30 pm. This week I will be back on my regular schedule, though I imagine I will be pretty exhausted for a bit while I get acclimated again.
Spent a few bucks on some games on Steam (I had leftover Christmas money, and I got more for Valentine's Day from my awesome wife). Square Enix had a big sale last week, so I grabbed the Deus Ex bundle (Deus Ex Game Of The Year, Deus Ex Invisible War, Deus Ex The Fall, and Deus Ex Human Revolution), the Thief bundle (Thief Gold, Thief 2, Thief: Deadly shadows, and, well, Thief, with all related DLC), and the Hitman bundle (Hitman Codename 47, Hitman 2 Silent Assassin, Hitman Contracts, Hitman Blood Money, Hitman Absolution with all related DLC, and Hitman Sniper Challenge). Then over the weekend there was some stuff on sale (there's always stuff on sale, especially on weekends). Initially I picked up Corporate Lifestyle Simulator (a pretty ridiculous hyperviolent game, but for $1 can't go wrong) and Magicmaker (haven't played it yet but sounds entertaining). Then through the Co-op Sale that Steam ran over the weekend (in honor of Valentine's Day), I grabbed Terraria and Saints Row IV (with all related DLC). Total? Less than $40.
Also, there is still time to grab the Star Wars Humble Bundle. I bought it for myself and Mysterysquick as it's not something I could just pass up (or allow him to pass up, and it was his birthday anyway). For as little as $1, you get Knights Of The Old Republic, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and Dark Forces. In the beat-the-average tier, you get Battlefront II, Knights Of The Old Republic II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Starfighter, and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. In the top tier (at $12), you will also receive Empire At War, The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition, and The Force Unleashed II. So basically the entire Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series minus Mysteries Of The Sith (the Jedi Knight expansion, it's only $3 and will certainly go on sale at some point). It's $137 worth (at full Steam retail price) for $12, and you get to help charity. SPOILER The current beat-the-average price is $11.53, so I would say if you're going to buy that you may as well just shell out the extra $0.47 and get the top tier so you can get all of the games. Well worth it.
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