Friday, September 4, 2015

World Of Warcraft

I started playing World of Warcraft back in January 2007. It's not the first MMO I've played and I doubt it would be the last, but it's probably the best, at least so far. Most of the fun was in the early years; admittedly it eventually became a grind and I don't think I'm getting back into it any time soon.

Back in 2006, around, April-May or so, I started a club in Dark Jedi Organization called United Marine Brigades, supporting Battlefield 2 and the Special Forces expansion, eventually adding Battlefield 2142 as well. My wife joined as well and (after I stepped down as overall commander) moved up to second-in-command. Ultimately, World Of Warcraft brought this club down. We had become somewhat bored with BF2 and didn't see another multiplayer shooter on the horizon to help reinvigorate the club.

Virtually all of my officers ended up moving on to WoW. One of them convinced my wife to download the trial (at the time, I think it was a 14-day trial). After taking a look while she was playing, I decided to give it a shot. Then my friend and neighbor (he lived upstairs from us at the time and kept his laptop in our apartment since he pretty much always played with us) decided to try it as well. Next thing I know, we're buying WoW and signing up for subscriptions.

The Burning Crusade era

We began not long after the first expansion was released (sorry, we can't wax nostalgic over vanilla WoW, because we weren't there). I initially created an Orc warrior named Axisomega, but by level 12 decided I wanted a hunter, which was a bad idea since my wife was playing one. Hers is an Orc, mine is a Tauren initially named Axisomicron. We joined our friend's guild (named Awesome Squad) on the lightning's Blade PVP realm (bad plan) and began the quest to level 70. My neighbor played a Tauren warrior (named Brenyeto) but ended up falling way behind, as he kept selling his quest greens and buying vendor gear. So our main players consisted of two hunters, an enhancement shaman (Shadowmurk), a shadow priest (Geekranger) and a rogue (forget his name; we called him Slicer but I don't remember for sure if that was the name of his toon). We later added a warlock (Oddun) and a holy paladin (Jiir), and a balance druid (forgot his name tho). See our problem? No tanks! We knew an Orc warrior named Ragrim who occasionally tanked for us, but he had guild obligations and eventually quit. Once we got to level 70 and wanted to get ready to start raiding we were in trouble. Jiir was willing to tank but Shadowmurk was adamant he would never heal. Brenyeto was way behind for a while and I was still too far behind on my paladin. So we had to pug tanks for a time. Eventually Brenyeto got caught up, and we set about to getting him tank gear, which involved me smelting lots of felsteel (I was mining/engineering) and then tracking down a blacksmith, who made him the felsteel armor set and charged him way too much for the service (usually it's a small fee or even free if you provide your own materials; this guy charged some 250 gold). He never really got the hang of tanking though. I think he still plays but he mostly plays hunters now.

Anyway, during this time some of us started Alliance characters on the Duskwood realm. All Night Elves too somehow. Shadowmurk rolled a warrior, my wife a priest, and myself a druid. Smart! We had a healer, and a tank, and someone who could do whatever was needed (Shadowmurk needed more help with tanking than my wife did with healing, quite the opposite of what was expected). We initially joined a guild called Ozrael's Dominion, which was part of DJO. Eventually we decided we liked things better on the Horde, and transferred our toons to Duskwood (my hunter and paladin, my wife's hunter and warrior). We initially joined a guild called Mortality, but they lasted less than a week.

Eventually we joined a guild called Endless Nightmares, and that's when we finally took to raiding.

(To be continued)

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