Sunday, July 6, 2014

Magic, Minecraft and GTA

Actually got a chance to play a little Magic: The Gathering today. My nephew was visiting and my oldest son had spent the night. My wife chose my Mono-Black Control deck, my son chose my (proxied) Machine Red deck, my nephew played his green Elves deck, and I grabbed my premium Slivers deck. I actually have that deck for the sake of raiding it for a Commander deck, but that's another story.

Long story short, my Slivers never got on track, since the nephew was smart enough to disrupt my rhythm (take out a few slivers to keep them from becoming overpowered). Machine Red never went anywhere and neither did MBC. So Elves win the day (I hate elves...)

Then my son played some Minecraft Dragons with me. I not only won a round, but in dramatic fashion. I was one of the last 2 players, and we both got knocked off at the same time. I must have been a bit higher up (or got knocked higher by the dragon) as I ended up the winner, evidently my opponent hit the void before me. Next time I have him over we'll be trying some other Minecraft minigames.

My son also played a round of Catching Fire Hunger Games (yes, this is still Minecraft) and wound up with a 3 way tie. After 15 minutes, everyone still alive is transported to a small arena for a final deathmatch. After 2 minutes, everyone left alive wins, though he was down to 1/2 heart of life when one of them decided not to be so nice. I was surprised he didn't try to go for the solo win, as he's pretty good at pvp, but he was mostly in chain armor against someone in full iron armor so he felt his best option was to play for a tie.

After I took him home he showed me a little GTA V. His mother and I had been against getting him the game, but he had an uncle who either didn't get the memo or didn't care (I'm betting the latter). Still, I was slightly intrigued. His mother had GTA III for PS2 years ago and for some reason I never had any interest in playing (though I was amused by a few things in that game). I might consider picking it up, though I'll probably wait for a good sale on Steam (so probably next year at the earliest).

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