Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Various Updates

Not much time spent on Pokemon, though my Charmander evolved to a Charmeleon.

Oh right, you don't know that yet.

A friend of mine, who also has a 2DS with Pokemon X, noticed the shoulder buttons weren't working. This was the 3rd 2DS she's had to return (she originally bought it for the kids, who broke it twice, so she repo'd it), and we had a trade agreement anyway, so she shipped her Pokemon to me for safekeeping. I inherited her Delphox, Blastoise, Xerneas and others. Of course, as I have only one gym badge, none of these Pokemon listen to me, though they one-shot anything I face right now as they are a much higher level.

All the same, as I now have a Blastoise (AKA my all time favorite Pokemon), I didn't select Squirtle when I was offered a Generation 1 starter. To be fair, we had previously worked that out. Since she already had a Blastoise, she would breed it and send me a Squirtle. I would then select Charmander, then breed the Charizard and sent a Chamander to her.

So after encountering Professor Treename and flattening his Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander, I selected Charmander and promptly put Delphox in my storage.

I have also revived (not that it was dead, just more on hiatus) my The Heck Am I Doing series, and I will be polaying the Space Wolves DLC for Space Hulk on Steam. You can find it on my YouTube channel or on It's a turn based strategy game based on the Space Hulk board game by Games Workshop (which GW now hates along with the rest of their specialist games). A Space Hulk is a large conglomeration of lost starships, often containing lost technology. So the Space Marines (known as Adeptus Astartes in-universe) are sent in to retrieve it, specifically veterans wearing Tactical Dreadnought Armor, which is power armor on steroids, allowing them to carry heavy weapons systems and making them nearly impervious. They are known as Space Marine Terminators, and with good reason.

Except for the fact that Space Hulks are populated by Tyranid Genestealers (not to be confused with Jeanstealers), who happen to excel at killing Terminators.

Another video coming up soon is some gameplay from Minecraft, specifically a minigame called Dragons. It's got some fireworks, so it makes for a nice Fourth of July special.

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