After I brought my son home today (I took him to the Red Sox-Yankees game last night. It was his first Red Sox game so he had a blast even though the damn Yankees won. At least he got to see Derek Jeter play!) we fired up GTA V again. He offered to let me use Franklin's garage for whatever cars I want. He was originally going to let me use Michael's but decided since I already have a car in Franklin's garage, and he'd miss those cars less, that I'd be better off. So I added on to my heavily modified red (with white stripes) Imponte Phoenix. We bought a Bravado Gauntlet (lawyer-friendly Dodge Challenger) which I think I painted dark blue with a silver stripe, and a Declasse Vigero, a lawyer-friendly Camaro, which I painted Formula Red (I think I put gold rims on this one, along with a big blower on the hood). I then dumped the exotic (not sure what it was) and got a Dubsta 6x6 (yes, a 6 wheel drive truck). I painted it purple with silver accents and made it look as badass as possible (I think I would still prefer a Sandking XL).
Once cars were done i got to mess around with fighting the cops for no other reason than to blow stuff up and see if I can get away. I took my Vigero as the getaway vehicle, and parked it on the second floor of a building under construction. I took out my minigun (yeeessssssss....) and started blasting away at the first crappy car (well, it was crappy when I finished with it) I saw. I then blew up the first police cruiser that arrived (likely taking the cops with it) and fired away at the helicopter when it arrived. It didn't blow up, so I took cover and switched to an assault rifle. After gunning a few cops down I jumped in my car and took off, jumping from the second floor to the street below and engaged in a high-speed chase. Muscle cars don't steer well, I should warn you, nor do they brake well. The water in the aqueduct was unkind. I got knocked around a bit in there, but I still nearly evaded the police by hiding in a tunnel. Nearly, because just as they seemed about to quit, I was spotted. I eventually got slammed into a post (taking a good chunk of my car out) and busted. And easily forgiven, as I was released from the hospital moments later (the criminal justice system in Los Santos leaves something to be desired).
My son tried his hand at some mayhem but his exploits were cut short when he somehow didn't notice a roadblock and plowed into it, sending Michael through the windshield and onto the street. Oops.
The next thing I ended up doing was climbing to the top of on of the hospitals, near the helipad. There were 2 helicopters there, so there was my getaway vehicle. I then took out an rpg and blew up the first car that stopped in my line of sight. Followed by blowing up another car, and then a cruiser. This was followed by successfully testing whether police helicopters explode when struck by an RPG round. By then things were getting hairy, so I jumped in a helicopter and took off. Unfortunately, medical helicopters aren't any faster than police helicopters, and after taking a few hits, I bailed, only to have one of the police helicopters run into me. Oops.
So causing mayhem in GTA V was quite fun, though I enjoy customizing cars a lot too. Needless to say I really want this game when it's released for the PC later this year.
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