My wife went to visit her parents for Labor Day weekend and took the little ones with her. I had my oldest son for the weekend so I stayed home (long story). We recorded a Minecraft video that I hope to have up this week. It was originally supposed to feature Pixelmon, but it wasn't working out the way we had hoped so that plan was scrapped and we featured some minigames. It's also the official introduction of my son as iHavoc (this will be his YouTube channel when he gets a computer that can actually produce gaming videos)
But the most fun was had in GTA V.
I believe I've pointed out before that GTA V is the first in the series I've played. Never appealed to me before (I don't really know why). I have played some GTA IV since, as iHavoc gave me his copy (he acknowledges it was a great game but it's completely outclassed by GTA V).
He has completed the story mode on his PS3, so we had to start fresh on mine. After playing some story missions, which didn't go entirely well as I'm getting used to the controls, we ended up deciding to A) cause some general mayhem and B) steal a fighter jet from the airbase.
General mayhem was accomplished by me. I busted out The Liberator monster truck, then pulled out my RPG. I proceeded to blow up a bus, the person walking next to the bus, and the car driving by the bus (all with one rocket). I then climbed into the monster truck and proceeded to run over all the cops. I eventually got away by going off road but fell into a bit of a ravine and the truck blew up.
The jet heist we both attempted, and we each pulled it off once, only to be foiled by my terrible piloting skills. iHavoc flew a helicopter near the base and then bailed. Free falling for a bit, he parachuted pretty close to one of the jets and was able to take off before the military could mount a defense. He then handed me the controller so I could try to see what flying is like and I promptly ejected.
The other strategy we devised I dubbed "Fast & Furious". We take a fast car (such as a Zentorno or Turismo R) and drive through the tunnel under the airbase. We turn around and use the side of the hill as a ramp to get over the fence. It usually takes a minute to figure out there's an intruder, and with one of these high powered exotics you can cover a lot of ground. Then it's a matter of getting into a jet before the tanks show up. This succeeded once. I then promptly flew the jet into a mountain. But it was all in good fun.
Then I started up a GTA Online game and had some pretty bad luck. I didn't get to race Lamar one on one as another player apparently started the same time, then bumped me off the road. So I came in second place as Lamar has a crappier car than you get to start with. One of the first jobs was to knock over a gas station. Which would have gone OK had the cops not responded so quickly and immediately shot out the tire of the Vapid Dominator I had stolen, making getaway fairly difficult. I ended up ditching the car in the aqueduct but I was able to steal a Sabre Turbo shortly after.
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