Monday, September 15, 2014


I kinda regret not recording or streaming this game. iHavoc was over for the weekend and we decided to play some Minecraft. But not Pixelmon or any minigames we had been playing recently, we decided to actually play a game of classic Survival.

We spawned in what appeared to be a Forest biome, right next to a Desert biome and right near a cave. iHavoc tunnelled an entrance/shelter while I gathered wood to make tools and a crafting bench (we also started with a bonus chest so we had at least some basic wood tools and a couple of apples) We spent some time mining and making stone tools before I noticed a village off in the distance. So after collecting some iron and making a couple of iron pickaxes and a couple of pieces of armor we set out to build a house near the village, so that the villagers could do all the farming and we can steal their food. There was also what appeared to be a large cave nearby as well.

So we began gathering wood and started building the house. I built the walls and iHavoc decided on granite floors (at least on the first floor). In the meantime a cow took up residence in our house, so we named him Steve and built a pen for him once the house was completed. There were quite a few cows around and since we started raising them we are all set for food (mmmmmm steak). Unfortunately we only found a couple of sheep and so we don't have enough wool to make a bed, since iHavoc decided to kill them rather than pen them in so that we could shear their wool. He probably thought we would find more.

Once the house was finished (double door with pressure plates, glass panes for the windows, a couple of double capacity chests, crafting table, furnace, some decor) I started tunneling under the house so that we have a secret entrance to the Batcave. I installed a trap door and a ladder as the entrance starts with a shaft that goes straight down for a ways before turning towards the cave, secured with another door. Also lots of torches so that mobs don't spawn inside our tunnel hopefully.

Then came exploring the cave itself. I think at this point iHavoc has put both a crafting bench and furnace down there as we found SO MUCH STUFF and don't want to have to always run all the way back to the house to prep it. I have never found so much iron in a game of Minecraft, so I'm pretty sure frequencies of raw material spawns have been increased (this was a game on default settings; we didn't even know about the new custom game option when we set it up).

As I continued on my way, gathering iron and some coal (we found so much iron that the two of us are wearing full iron armor and using iron swords, plus I made six buckets and there's still a pile of ingots left), and killing a few monsters (some creepers helpfully exploded entrances to new sections of the cave network as well), I came across some gold ore. I carefully moved around it as there was a pool of lava nearby, trying to get a better sense of how much gold there was, and calling to iHavoc to bring an iron pickaxe as I had forgotten mine, there it was. DIAMOND ORE. The first I had seen in a legit game of Minecraft. Needless to say iHavoc hurried his way down there even faster. Initially we saw 2 ore. Mining the gold and surrounding stone revealed a third. Happy that we found 3 diamonds, we scooped them up to find 3 more underneath! So we have a total of 6 diamonds now.

iHavoc proceeded to make a diamond pickaxe and mine up the obsidian that I had found not too far away while I kept exploring. I then discovered craploads of redstone ore. Altogether I think we came away with 75 redstone on the day. So we've discussed plans to make powered minecarts leading to the village and around our cave network.

All in all a fun and productive weekend in Minecraft!

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