Anyways, mysterysquick and I had our Extra Life live stream last weekend. Great fun, and this far raised $430 combined for Hasbro Children's Hospital! So thanks to everyone who donated and/or watched, we really appreciate it. I am currently working on a highlights reel to put on my YouTube channel.
I promised a follow up to my Power Rangers blog, so here are my favorite team up episodes:
Honorable Mention:"Shell Shocked" (Power Rangers In Space)
Doesn't really count since the Space Rangers aren't teaming up with another Power Rangers team. Instead, in a bid to remain relevant, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the rather sad live action ones from the Ninja Turtles series) appear first as mind-controlled villains, then helping the heroes. It actually ended up being surprisingly entertaining
5. "To The Tenth power/The Power Of Pink" (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)
This two-parter teams up the Space Rangers with the Galaxy Rangers and kicked off the (usually) annual tradition of teaming up This Year's Rangers with Last Year's Rangers. As you might have guessed, the Pink Rangers feature rather prominently, and (SPOILER) culminates in the death of Kendrix Morgan, the Lost Galaxy Pink Ranger (first Ranger to die in the line of duty; handled bloodlessly to keep it kid friendly).
4. "Reinforcements From The Future" (Power Rangers Wild Force)
This one (might also have been a two-part episode but I haven't seen it in a while) brings the Time Force Rangers in to help the Wild Force Rangers counter a new threat: Mutant-Orgg hybrids. It also teams them up with
3. "Thunder Storm" (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
The Dino Thunder Rangers team up with the Ninja Storm Rangers. But first, Mesagog and Lothor team up and mind-control the Ninja Storm Rangers (at least the Wind Ninja Rangers), giving us some awesome Ranger vs Ranger action. It also featured one of (in my opinion) one of the most epic morphing sequences outside of an anniversary show. Plus we get to see villain vs villain!
2. "Once A Ranger" (Power Rangers Operation Overdrive 15th Anniversary Special)
This one was overshadowed by the fact that it took place during what was arguably the worst Power Rangers series ever. Rita and Zedd's (i.e. the villains from Mighty Morphin') son Thrax (no idea when this happened) is back for revenge and manages to de-power the Overdrive Rangers. Sentinel Knight brings in a team of veteran Rangers (Ninja Storm Blue Ranger Tori, Dino Thunder Yellow Ranger Kira, Mystic Force Green Ranger Xander, SPD Green-but-promoted-to-Red Ranger Bridge, and most awesomely, Mighty Morphin' Black Ranger 2, Adam). In addition, Alpha 6 makes a return to bring the Morphing Grid back online and restore the Overdrive Rangers. This is also probably my all-time favorite morphing sequence, with each classic Ranger getting their moment.
1. "Forever Red" (Power Rangers Wild Force 10th Anniversary Special)
The remnants pf the Machine Empire from Power Rangers Zeo (in this case, they are old Big Bad Beetle Borg costumes) return to resurrect Lord Zedd's Zord Serpentera. Word of this reaches Tommy (who is somehow retaining his Zeo powers) and calls in the Red Rangers (and a Sixth Ranger who happens to wear red) to take them down. This was originally supposed to be a two-part episode; the second part was to feature each Ranger call in their Zords. this was nixed due to money concerns, as the Zords were no longer featured in the toy line and would have been expensive to produce. However, what we got was still awesome, featuring:
Jason (Mighty Morphin' Red Ranger) Yep, Jason is back and he kicks ass!
Tommy (Zeo Red) As opposed to Mighty Morphin Green. Or Mighty Morphin' White. Prior to Dino Thunder Black.
TJ (Turbo Red) Another former Tommy role.
Andros (Space Red) Also advance scout
Leo (Galaxy Red) Late to the party
Carter (Lightspeed Red) Sent to retrieve Cole
Wes (Time Force Red) Got a job at his dad's company
Eric (Time Force Quantum Ranger) Got to ride along because he happens to also wear red
Aurico (Alien Red) Space Ninja Ranger hitched a ride with Leo
Cole (Wild Force) The hero of the story for the most part. Gets showed up by Jason early on.
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