So while I'm working on a couple of videos...
I haven't updated on Pokemon X in some time. I actually hadn't played in a while, but due to some sleeplessness last week I made some progress. I am now up to 6 badges, and finally, all those Pokemon (including my favorite, Blastoise!) will now behave for me (the badges cover me for Pokemon up to level 80). I can also Mega Evolve my Pokemon, which came after the 3rd or 4th badge. The gym leader has the item needed to accomplish this (it combines with a Pokemon held item, such as Blastoisinite) and even gives you a Lucario. Well, technically the Lucario decides to travel with you and she agrees, but whatever. I can Mega Evolve 4 Pokemon: Lucario, Blastoise, Charizard (to Mega Charizard X) and Gengar (the other Pokemon came with their element but I came across a Gengarite later). My team currently consists of Golett (Ghost/Ground), Charizard (Fire/Flying, or Fire/Dragon when Mega Evolved), Lapras (Water/Ice), Lucario (Fighting/Steel), Delphox (Fire/Psychic) and Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon). I will probably shift things around; now that Charizard can Mega Evolve into a Dragon type I don't really need Tyrantrum. Also it's redundant to have 2 Fire types so I will likely drop Delphox at some point, as well as Lapras (I need to fit Blastoise somehow!). I will probably add Amaura to the team (replacing the loss of Lapras' Ice type and Tyrantrum's Rock type; will need to level up to evolve to Auroros though). I don't currently have a replacement Psychic type but if I can fit on a Dark type that might be OK too.
World Of Warcraft: Warlords Of Draenor dropped last week. I haven't played a significant amount, but my wife and I have played through the intro and have started our garrisons. That seems like a cool feature; you seem to finally be getting some acknowledgement for everything you've done in service to the Horde or Alliance and you are getting your own base of operations. We'll see how far along I get with it.
I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but I have a problem: I want to get GTA V for PC, which doesn't release until January. Fine. Here's the issue: The money that has been allocated might be staring down a Steam Holiday Sale before the pre-order becomes available. Which would really mess up my plans. See, there's a few games I've been pining for recently as well, most notably Chronicles Of Mystara (the old Dungeons & Dragons arcade beat 'em up) and Scribblenauts Unlimited. There's also Shovel Knight, The Stanley Parable, Democracy 3, DuckTales Remastered (the remake of the old NES game), Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (an homage to '80s action films and Saturday morning cartoons) so, yeah. A Steam sale would probably drain my funds. We'll see how it goes.
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