Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More WoW and Power Rangers

My warrior has reached level 98 and all of my garrison buildings are upgraded to level 2 (Mine, Herb Garden, Fishing Shack, Barracks, Lumber Mill, Storehouse, Gem Boutique). All that remains is getting to level 100 so that I can upgrade my garrison to level 3. I have the resources and gold necessary to do so, it's just a matter of leveling. My wife has reached level 100 with her druid and has upgraded her garrison so she only needs to upgrade her buildings now. Of course, getting the level 3 blueprints isn't as easy as buying the level 2 blueprints...

I am currently questing in Spires of Arak. I could simply move on to Nagrand now that I am level 98 but I like to run the storyline quests and Spires has a lot of them. I think I've wrapped up 5 or 6 of the 9 storyline quests. I think the quest to get the blueprints for the Salvage Yard is in Spires as well so waiting to come across that.

I think Vol'jin's Pride in Talador is my favorite outpost so far. Nothing like having access to a cannon to rain hell on large groups of enemies. The Smuggler's Den in Axefall (Spires) has been underwhelming thus far, while the Lumber Yard at my Gorgrond outpost allows the summoning of a shredder that is a lot of fun.

The other day I found that the remaining episodes of Power Rangers Super Megaforce was on. Specifically I was looking for the finale, "Legendary Battle", which would feature the return of many past Rangers, including Tommy (who will never be rid of this franchise it seems). SPOILERS Unfortunately, there was little point in their presence, as they appeared briefly helping out civilians (unmorphed, of course) in the aftermath of an attack by the Big Bad (which apparently destroyed the Zords at the end of the previous episode). If you weren't sure who they were, the producers helpfully briefly overlaid a transparent helmet on each of them.

Tommy was a bit of a curveball, as he could have (theoretically) shown up as one of 4 of the 5 Rangers he's served as (the Red Turbo Ranger was obviously not possible, having turned that over to TJ partway through that season). He was teased as the White Ranger, making his initial appearance in a white T-shirt, and even carrying Saba. But when he appeared at the end he was morphed into the Green Ranger.

But it still seemed silly. The Big Bad and his armada were taken down by the Red and Sixth Megaforce Rangers. For some reason there was still an army of mooks left, and that's when the Legendary Rangers (as they've been called throughout the season) finally decided to show up.

See, this is the 20th anniversary of the show (well, technically that was last year, but due to some hiccups, I think this was the 20th season), so Saban had to do something big (the 10th anniversary featured the excellent "Forever Red", while the 15th was "Once A Ranger", the only bright spot in a terrible season). They decided to tease the Legendary Rangers by having the Red Ranger have a recurring dream of all previous Ranger teams showing up, and by giving the Megaforce Rangers access to the powers of Rangers from previous years. This meant that once morphed, they could transform into any previous Ranger.

But the actual Legendary Rangers felt wasted. Sure, it was an army of mooks, but Rangers mow these guys down by the hundreds before breakfast. While it was cool to see every previous Ranger team show up (in a bit of a quirk, some teams were appropriately missing the Rangers whose role Tommy had filled, as he can't be the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger and Black Dino Thunder Ranger at the same time, but both the Turbo and Space Ranger teams were there, even though both teams were mostly composed of the same people and therefore it would have been impossible), only a handful of the original actors appeared. This was likely a money issue, as there are dozens of actors to call back and they would all need to be paid. But the ones that were there barely got any face time. It probably would have been best left as a 2 part episode to try to give each veteran Ranger something to do.

Here's the list of old-school Rangers who appeared (unmorphed or helmetless; the stunt workers in costume obviously don't count):

Jason David Frank as Tommy (Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger, though teased as White Ranger)
Selwyn Ward as T.J. Johnson (Power Rangers in Space Blue Ranger)
Patricia Ja Lee as Cassie Chan (Power Rangers In Space Pink Ranger)
Danny Slavin as Leo Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Red Ranger; on Earth for no apparent reason)
Reggie Rolle as Damon Henderson (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Green Ranger; on Earth for no apparent reason)
Melody Perkins as Karone (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Pink Ranger; on Earth for no apparent reason)
Sean Cw Johnson as Carter Greyson (Lightspeed Rescue Red Ranger)
Alison MacInnis as Dana Mitchell (Lightspeed Rescue Pink Ranger)
Jason Faunt as Wesley Collins (Time Force Red Ranger)
Hector David Jr as Mike (Power Rangers Samurai Green Ranger)
Brittany Pirtle as Emily (Power Rangers Samurai Yellow Ranger)
Chris Auer as Robo Knight (Megaforce Sixth Ranger from Season 1)

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