As I mentioned previously, I had $50 on my Steam account to put towards GTA V as soon as Steam lets me preorder it. Then a Steam sale hit last week. I thought for sure I was doomed.
Fortunately, the Official Wife decided that the kids' Christmas gift to me would be $60 for my Steam account. Hooray! I haven't added the money yet but I have time. Meanwhile, it was time to go shopping. Here's what I got:
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles Of Mystara This classic arcade beat 'em up is something I have been pining for, ever since the movie theater that had the game got rid of it (note to movie theaters: arcades are still awesome, get better games). I played it Thanksgiving night with JollyChaos, but he hated it. Guess beat 'em ups aren't his thing.
Scribblenauts Unlimited JollyChaos has Super Scribblenauts for the Nintendo DS. I messed around with it a bit, it's a fun game. Then it was ruined when I watched TotalBiscuit's video on Scribblenauts Unlimited.
Democracy 3 Another TotalBiscuit video based purchase. Partly because one of the countries he is playing is The Imperium Of Man.
Hammerwatch This is a fun little hack-and-slash dungeon crawl. I haven't spent much time on it but it's a fun time waster. I'll be making a video on this soon I think.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe Edition Finally replaced Oblivion from my late Xbox 360 (another recent replacement was from EA offering Dragon Age: Origins for free on, well, Origin). Only better as it includes all of the DLC (or at least close to it), which is actually more than I had on my Xbox. Previously I had Knights Of The Nine, Fighter's Stronghold, Wizard's Tower, Vile Lair, and Thieves' Cave (I think that's what they're all called). This also adds the Shivering Isles expansion and more. It's also highly moddable on the PC.
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Yes, I have a thing for classic games. This gem I had purchased years ago (over Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II no less!), and some mixup led to its disappearance. So it's nice to finally replace it. It runs on the very old Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition ruleset (which I am no longer familiar with; 3rd edition D&D came out in 2000 I think. For comparison, Neverwinter Nights is based on the 3rd Edition rules, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dungeons & Dragons Online run 3.5 Edition, and Neverwinter is based on 4th Edition. 5th Edition has just been released). Good for fans of Dungeons & Dragons or loves deep RPGs.
On to WoW...
Leveling is slow, given my somewhat limited playing time. I am up to level 95 and I also upgraded my rings to ilevel 540 pieces, and made an epic ilevel 650 necklace, made possible by my Warrior being a Jewelcrafter (I made rings for my wife's druid as well). I mainly want to upgrade my garrison to level 3 but that can't happen until I get to level 100. I may also not be able to stick with my guild as their raid schedule seems to be Sunday nights and weeknights which is right before I go to work.
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