Sunday, June 1, 2014

New updates

So nothing new to report on Pokemon for a change as I haven't had time to play.

We have, however, welcomed our daughter to the world, a healthy 7 lb 11 oz baby. Looking forward to bringing her home!

I am looking into the possibility of (finally) creating games with software I've purchased through the Humble Bundle. A side scrolling beat 'em up is currently floating around my brain (although that is being held up for other reasons) and I want to do an RPG as well. Probably stuff that will end up free to play, as it will likely draw on a lot of copyrighted content so no making money on that lol (plus I have to look into licensing on the software that I use but pretty sure I could make stuff for profit if I wish)

While I haven't had a chance to record any video yet I think I at least have an idea of what game I will play next. Also REALLY hoping that I can acquire a 2DS with Pokemon Y in the future (it has to be Y as the little guy likes Yveltal, so no red 2DS for me), as I plan on passing my original DS to my youngest son.

Still looking for donations to Extra Life, my donation page is here.

And check out my YouTube channel and gamerclips.

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