Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What I'd Like To See In Pokemon

Hey all. In keeping with this blog's unintended Pokemon theme, I thought I'd go over a few things that I'd like to see in a future Pokemon game.


I remember seeing this suggested on Twitter. Basically, we want a Pokemon game with everything from Kanto onward. Now, there may be some memory limitations to this (I don't know how much data a 3DS cartridge can hold) so perhaps this would make for a better Wii U release, though that in itself would create an uproar, as Pokemon games have always been handheld-first.

Bear in mind, every new generation adds more new Pokemon, and currently there are over 700. A new game would likely bring that over 800, and that means dedicating more cartridge memory to the Pokemon roster. After all, we like to be able to keep our old Pokemon too.

Anyhow, what that means is instead of just giving us a game with Kanto-Kalos, there would also have to be an entirely new region as well, complete with all-new Pokemon, so that Nintendo isn't just doing the money-grab thing of "please buy this game that only has every single Pokemon you've already captured before."

So you start out in this new region, grab your starter Pokemon (a brand new Grass, Water or Fire type as usual) and then work your way through the game. I think you'd progress in reverse, i.e. after the new region is completed, you move on to Kalos, followed by Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto, and finally Kanto. And each time you enter the next region, you encounter the local Professor Treename Pokemon expert who grants you one of their region's starter Pokemon. Personally, I'd probably grab the new region's Fire type (if I design it, it will be a proper Fire turtle, unlike Torkoal). In Kalos, I'll take Fennekin, Tepig in Unova, Turtwig in Sinnoh, Torchic in Hoenn, Totodile or Cyndaquil in Johto and Squirtle in Kanto. All of the Legendary Pokemon will be available as well. There would be some version exclusives, to the regular wild Pokemon and to the new region's Legendary Pokemon. All old Legendary Pokemon will be available (i.e. Palkia, Dialga and Giratina in Sinnoh, for example).

Eventually you'd work your way back to the new region for the ultimate Pokemon League and showdown with the Ultimate Champion. Who might very well be Red...


Ok, I haven't really thought this out, as I've thought more about an All Region Pokemon Game. But since the original 15 in Generation 1, 3 new types have been added (Steel and Dark in Generation 2 and Fairy in Generation 6). So I'd like to see some new type developed for the new region (and without a retcon, like they did with Fairy type. Now Clefairy has a type advantage over Dragons. What.) Fairy type is fairly strong defensively, as it's weaknesses are Poison and Steel, which are generally very weak offensively (Poison is pretty bad overall in my opinion), and is completely immune to Dragon type moves, which are often quite powerful (Spatial Rend. Yesss....). So something that knocks them down a peg would be nice (since Dark types were introduced to balance Psychic and Fairy types were introduced to balance Dragon, and Fairy appears to be fairly powerful on paper at least. I don't have X/Y yet...)


Let's be honest. There's a metric ton of Pokemon in this game. There's even a small army of Legendary Pokemon. Would it KILL you to give us a few extra Master Balls? Say one from each Professor? It would be nice to land more than one guaranteed Legendary.


I haven't done a whole lot of breeding. Why? Well as far as I'm aware, the only way to do so is to drop off 2 compatible Pokemon at the region's lone day care and hope there's an egg when you come back. Which you have to make room for. Make life easier for us and let us start an entire Pokemon farm if we wish. I understand having to walk around until the egg hatches, fine, we'll keep it that way. But more than 1 breeding couple at a time, ok?

So that's all I can think of for now. We'll hope Nintendo sees this and steals my ideas so they can make the ultimate Pokemon game without having to pay me royalties (I'd honestly be totally OK with this).

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