So looks like I'll try to make some progress in HeartGold today.
I have yet to get to the first gym, but I need to level my Pokemon a little bit more first. Last time I took underpowered Pokemon to the first gym it literally came down to the last hit. Thank Goodness Snivy didn't fail that.
On the plus side, I will be getting an upgrade soon. As my Fathers' Day/Birthday gift, my wife ordered the red 2DS with Pokemon X (pre-installed so no cartridge from the sound of it). HeartGold and Pearl will probably be shelved for a bit as I will be distracted by shiny new toy with shiny new Pokemon game with shiny new graphics. Yes, Fennekin will be my choice as my starter Pokemon, though I have a friend who also has the game, so I can ship Froakie and Chespin to her, therefore I can have all three starters like I did with HeartGold (though without the bonus Charmander I acquired). I'll have to get a Charmander at some point though, just because of the sheer awesome that is Mega Charizard X. You do get an opportunity to acquire the Generation I starters, but I will be choosing Squirtle, because Blastoise. Then the next trick will be getting Turtwig in there (because Torterra).
While technically the first Pokemon I ever acquired was Charmander, the poor guy was quickly abandoned when I starter over with Squirtle when I discovered the first gym consisted of Rock/Ground types. You got lulled into a false sense of security on the way, as you take on a lot of Bug Pokemon on the way, and Charmander dominates them. But he's not much good against Brock's Geodude and Onix. Not helped by the Nintendo Power hints suggesting Pikachu (because Electric attacks work normally on Rock types, but they apparently used a different version where Onix and Geodude were strictly Rock types and not Rock/Ground types, which nullify Electric attacks).
I love Fire types, though, as I also love turtles, Blastoise is my favorite Pokemon followed by Torterra. But I eventually wanted to start with a Fire type. My experience in Red scared me off though, and when I got Silver, I selected Totodile. Then when I got Pearl, I ended up taking Turtwig, because turtle. I did select Cyndaquil in HeartGold finally, and now I am planning on Fennekin in X (who evolves eventually into Delphox, a dual type Fire/Psychic, not Fire/Fighting, which Pokemon seemed to fall in love with as the Fire type starters in Sapphire/Ruby, Diamond/Pearl AND Black/White all did this. Thanks for finally changing it up).
In a related story I can now populate my wishlist with 3DS games :)
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